Learning Training Series
Mindful Learning (醒覺式學習技巧)
We always shift between
a Mindful state and a
Mindless state. The more mindful we are, the more internal power we are able to use. It is
a gentle yet magic way to
retrieve our power asleep by being more
mindful. This course enables you
to learn better in 3 stages :
Stage 1
-To become
aware of your present bodily sensations from moment to moment in
become aware of the present bodily sensations of other people from
moment to moment in learning
Stage 2
become aware of the your present feeling from moment to
moment in learning
become aware of the present feeling of other people from moment to
moment in learning
Stage 3
-To become aware of the state of your mind
from moment to moment in learning
-To become aware of the state of the mind
of other people from moment to moment in learning
-To become aware of the change of the body and
mind of yourself and other people in learning
-To influence people more effectively in
deeper relaxation and concentration
Course Content :
(1) Mindful Learning vs Mindless Learning
(2) Concentration vs Distraction in Learning
(3) Relaxation vs Tension in Learning
(4) 5 Steps and 5 blocks to Concentration
(5) 3 attitudes in Mindful Learning
(6) Mindfulness of bodily sensations of self and other people in
(7) Mindfulness of feelings of self and other people in Learning
(8) Mindfulness of state of mind of self and other people in
(9) Mindfulness of continuous change of body and mind of self and
other people in Learning
(10) Concentrated Relaxation and Relaxed Concentration in Learning
Course Format :
Assessment, Demonstration,
Practice, Case Study, Discussion
Duration of course : 3 to
Enquiry : info@flowxu.com